Saturday, December 17, 2011

Political Shenanigans

My posts are generally related specifically to the Marine Industry, so this is a modest one-time departure from that theme. Today, the congress passed a two month extension of the payroll tax cut, in addition to funding the government for the remainder of the governments fiscal year. There is an incredible amount of political grandstanding happening at the expense of the American people. 

I am currently unemployed, trying to survive on the income generated by this blog (which isn't easy.) I have been denied unemployment; I am a Veteran; and I have been dedicating 40 to 50 hours per week looking for a new career. No less than 9 times, I have been told by prospective employers that they were waiting to see what the tax implications are before taking on any new employees. 

So, to the American Congress, I would like to give a big (and yes, very sarcastic) "Thank You!" 

Perhaps the most stomach turning rhetoric I'm hearing is the push to create more jobs for the Veterans coming home from Iraq. Meanwhile, the Keystone Pipeline remains on hold; the payroll tax cut is temporarily extended for two moths; major shipping ports are in need of significant improvements; Inland waterways are in need of improvement; Schools are still a mess; and there is still no dramatic economic rebound from the  800 billion dollars in "shovel-ready" projects that were supposed to save us all. 

Businesses like stability, and our Congress is not providing that. Two months? Again, my sarcastic thank you. Thank you for giving business 2/3 of one fiscal quarter in stability and predictability.
So, what will I do? Well, I will continue looking for work. Hopefully, the new year will  yield more positive results.

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